Vocal Music
@ Bugbeemusic
Follow Ms. Schweiger on Instagram for updates on what is happening in the Music Room.
Development of Musical Skills
Singing is the foundation of all music skills in the elementary vocal music curriculum. Using grade appropriate songs, singing games and rounds, music skills are sequentially taught and divided into five content areas:
• Students learn to sing grade appropriate songs in tune.
• Simple note patterns are extracted from song material such as “sol” and “mi”. These melody notes are called solfa (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do).
• The melodic patterns become more complex in each grade level.
• Performing with a steady beat is essential in developing rhythmic skills.
• Initially, children will sing and clap simple rhythmic patterns, using quarter & eighth notes which are referred to as “ta” and “ti-ti.”
• The rhythmic patterns become more complex in each grade level.
Reading & Writing
• Reading and writing involve responding to rhythmic and melodic notation.
• Students demonstrate reading skills by decoding and performing written rhythms and melodies.
• Writing skills include rhythms and placing notes on the music staff
Part Work
• In grades K-5, students combine singing with a rhythmic or melodic accompaniment.
• In grades 3-5, students progress to singing 2-3 part songs in large and small group settings.
• Form is the organization of musical patterns.
• Students first recognize the phrases and then learn how they are organized.